Custom Weatherization, LLC is a quickly growing company. It was established in 2006 and has been providing energy efficiency services to both residential and commercial properties ever since!

Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality

When thinking about your home or building, wouldn't it be nice to feel no drafts and areas of discomfort? While researching sealing and insulating your home, you probably came across the phrase "Seal Tight & Ventilate Right". Building scientists and home performance professionals agree on the principle of sealing the uncontrolled air moving throughout a home or building and controlling the amount of fresh air needed inside, using spot ventilation or whole house ventilation. Sealing a home tight is the most important component of a high performance home. However, sealing a home too tight with no ventilation plan can be a recipe for disaster. Always choose a reputable and qualified contractor who understands how to seal and ventilate using the latest industry standards.
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What is ASHRAE?

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers develops and maintains national standards. ASHRAE 62.2 sets the minimum standard and provides different ways to obtain acceptable indoor air quality in residential buildings.



ASHRAE provides standards for acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ)

Source Control

Mitigating and preventing outside contaminants from entering.

Whole-House Ventilation

Exhausts stale indoor air and replaces it with fresh outdoor air.

Local/Spot Ventilation

Removes high levels of contaminants, usually in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • What are the benefits?
  • Why choose us?
  • BPI Certified

High performance homes provide comfort, durability, indoor air quality, and lower energy use. These are major benefits of tight construction or a tightly sealed home. However, you can only tighten a home if you have a means of ventilating any indoor contaminants.

Think about the amount of time people spend indoors. Studies show we spend up to 90% of our time in doors. This could be in shopping malls, restaurants, grocery stores, at work and at home. People spend the majority of their time inside in some capacity. 

Indoor air quality is so important to our health and well being. Ventilation is an important component to removing contaminants and pollutants and achieving acceptable indoor air quality.  

ASHRAE provides the ventilation standards and best practices using whole house ventilation and/or spot ventilation to ensure that any pollutants and contaminants are being diluted and exhausted outside. 

Our knowledgeable and certified team is why we can guarantee our customers a satisfying experience. We will not leave you without a thorough understanding of your test and results. Any questions will be answered until understood, making it a positive experience for everyone involved.

Our team consists of qualified individuals. ASHRAE calculations are conducted by professionals who are BPI (Building Performance Institute) certified. 

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